Based In West Berkshire

Sheelagh Brown | Psychologist
& (CBT) Psychotherapist

Understand your own psychological depths, intricacies, and power. I use psychology that is fun, exciting, illuminating and powerful. 

If you want to change for the better. Welcome! You are in the right place.

Who I Work With

I work with people who are successful in their own right already; maybe professionally, in their own business, or in life. Successful people embrace their uniqueness and don't just want to follow what life throws at them. They constantly seek to understand that answer to the question Why?

If you are searching for the answers to understand who you are, what makes you tick, and what drives the relationships you experience, then I can help you unlock the answer to all of these. And more. I can help you overcome issues and recognise your depths and uniqueness. These insights can make you richer, happier, and more satisfied in every area of your life. You just need to be serious about growing and developing.

You want to know about me?

I'm Sheelagh Brown, a psychologist for successful and aspiring people. I am also a psychotherapist, having qualified at the University of Oxford in Enhanced CBT and specialising in Psychological Trauma. I started work as a graduate with full atomic security clearance for the Atomic Weapons Establishment.

How I Work As A
Psychologist & Therapist

My job is to help you be the best you there is. I am a Psychotherapist (Cognitive Behavioural Therapist - CBT) and Business Psychologist. The benefits of working in my fields have been to work with amazing people, people who embrace their uniqueness, who are exceptional and talented in their own right.

Who do I work with?

I work with Directors, business leaders, entrepreneurs, and people who want more from life. I work with any remarkable individual who wants to flourish; to excel in their careers, to have increased happiness and satisfaction in their life, to exceed their own expectations of themselves, to thrive in relationships with others.

My Psychology is for high achievers, the elite - those that want to grow and prosper to be the best version of themselves. If you want to be the best at what you do, what you stand for, and who others experience, then it’s time for you to expand your horizons.

Who don’t I work with?

I don’t specialise in working with people who currently have severe mental health issues caused by psychosis, substance misuse, or dominating personality disorders. If this is you then there’s certainly help using CBT, but there are other therapists who excel in this field.

My job isn’t just to make you feel better, but to be a more exceptional version of yourself. To do this, we need to work on a distinctly different basis to move forward that doesn’t lend itself to the above. You need to be comfortable being challenged, and open to learning.

And Now ...?

If you'd like to make a difference to your life, to your success and start to stimulate your thoughts on who you are and how to become more aware of others, it's simple. Just contact me.

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Sheelagh Brown | Psychologist & Therapist | West Berkshire

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